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Privacy Policy fabricfuture.com

1.General Provisions

1.1 IP Kostyshin Daniel Andreevich (hereinafter - "Administration") publishes this Privacy Policy with respect to users (hereinafter - "User") of the website fabricfuture.com (hereinafter - "Site").
1.2 This Privacy Policy contains information on how personal information about Users of the Site is collected, used and disclosed.
1.3 Before using the Site, we ask you to carefully read the following terms of use of personal information. By using the Site, you understand the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy and confirm your agreement with them.
1.4 If you do not agree with any clauses of the Privacy Policy, you are obliged to refuse to use the Site. It is not allowed to use the Site without agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
1.5. If you are not clear about any clauses of the Privacy Policy, you are obliged to contact the Administration for explanations in advance and only after receiving explanations to use the Site.
1.6 When using the Site, the User gives his/her unconditional consent to the processing of his/her personal information listed in this Policy.
1.7 Processing of personal data is carried out in full compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

2. general information

2.1 The Administration processes personal information of Users in full compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".
2.2 The Administration has the right to perform the following actions with the User's personal information: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction.
2.3 The Administration processes personal data by automated and non-automated methods, with or without the use of computer facilities.
2.4 Processing of personal data of the User is carried out until the User revokes his consent to the processing of his personal data or until the purposes of personal data processing are achieved.

3. List of personal information used

3.1 When using the Site, the User provides personal information, including personal information of personal nature and personal information automatically received when accessing the Site.
3.2 By using the Site, the User in accordance with Article 6, Article 9 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 № 152-FZ "On Personal Data" gives its consent to the Administration and other persons specified in this Policy to process in any manner not prohibited by law the following categories of personal data, which may be transferred by the User to the Administration when using the Site:
3.2.1. Surname, first name, patronymic;
3.2.2. Phone number;
3.2.3. E-mail address;
3.2.4. Address of delivery of goods or services;
3.2.5. The Administration has the right to process any other personal data of the User in case the relevant data were provided by the User to the Administration when using the Website and/or in the course of further interaction between the Parties. Provision of any additional information by the User to the Administration means at the same time the User's consent to the processing of such personal information.

4 Other personal information

4.1 The User is notified and agrees that the Administration has the right to collect and process the following personal information about the User additionally in automatic mode:
4.1.1. Data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Site (including IP address of the host, type of user's operating system, type of browser or other program with the help of which the Site is accessed, geographical location, Internet service provider, technical characteristics of equipment and software).
4.1.2. User agent of the client's browser.
4.1.3 The time of visiting the Site and the User's subsequent actions on the Site.
4.1.4. Information automatically obtained through the use of Cookies technology.

5. Observance of the User's rights under the GDPR standards

5.1 In accordance with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the User has the right at any time to request from the Administration confirmation of the fact of processing of his/her data, the place and purpose of processing, categories of processed personal data, to which third parties the personal data are disclosed, the period during which the data will be processed, as well as to specify the source of receipt of personal information by the Administration and to demand its correction.
5.2 The User in accordance with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may at any time exercise the right to oblivion, which means the deletion of personal information of the User at his request, in this case, when stopping the processing of personal information of the User, the Administration will not be able to provide the User with the opportunity to use the Site.
5.3 The User in accordance with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has the right to exercise the right to data portability, namely to request the Administration to provide an electronic copy of personal information to another company free of charge.

6. Purposes of using personal information

6.1 Administration uses personal information of Users only for strictly defined purposes, in particular, these purposes include:
6.1.1. Enabling the User to use the Site.
6.1.2. Identification of the User on the Site.
6.1.3 Entering into negotiations on the purchase of services from the Administration.
6.1.4 Informing the User about opportunities related to the use of the Site. 6.1.5.
6.1.5 Maintaining feedback between the Administration and the User. 6.1.6.
6.1.6. Sending promotional and commercial offers to the User, including informing the User about new services, special promotions, bonuses, discounts and announcements.
6.1.7. Providing Users with technical support.
6.1.8. Analyzing the statistics of the use of the Website by Users.
6.1.9. Improvement of the Website.

7. Principles of using personal information

7.1 Administration in the use of personal information about Users undertakes to adhere to the following basic principles of using personal information:
7.1.1 Legality, fairness and transparency. Personal information is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. Any information about the purposes, methods and scope of personal information processing shall be set out in as clear and simple a manner as possible.
7.1.2 Purpose limitation. Data is collected and used solely for the purposes stated in this Policy.
7.1.3 Minimization of data. The Administration does not collect personal information in a greater amount than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Policy.
7.1.4 Accuracy. Personal information that is inaccurate is deleted or subject to correction at the request of the User.
7.1.5 Storage Limitation. Personal information is processed and stored for a period of time no longer than necessary for the purposes of processing. The User gives his consent to the storage of his personal data for 4 (four) years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship between him and the Administration.
7.1.6 Integrity and confidentiality. When processing Users' data, the Administration shall ensure protection of personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing, destruction and damage.

8. Protection of personal information

8.1 Administration guarantees that it will not disclose or transfer to third parties personal information about the User, except as expressly provided by applicable law and this Policy.
8.2 The Administration undertakes to take all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect personal information about the User from illegal or accidental access of third parties, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other illegal actions of third parties.

9. Consent to receive advertising and commercial information

9.1 The User consents to the sending of advertising, marketing and commercial offers, including informing the User about new services on the Website, special promotions and offers.
9.2. The User agrees that the direction of advertising and commercial offers can be made by e-mail, telephone appeals, sms-messages, or by messengers as the Administration itself, and third-party mailing list services on behalf of the Administration.

10. Provision of personal information to third parties

10.1 Administration has the right to provide personal information about Users to third parties if it is necessary to fulfill the terms of Contracts or other agreements to which the User is a party, in order to provide Users with certain services specified on the Site.
10.2 The User understands that the use of personal information by the Administration includes the use of personal information by employees of the Administration, as well as partners and counterparties of the Administration, which assist the Administration in managing the Site and carrying out activities.
10.3 The Site may contain links, including those of advertising nature, to other Internet resources. These Internet resources and their content are not checked by the Administration, in particular, the Administration does not control the use of personal information of Users by these Internet resources.
10.4 The User understands that the Administration may provide third parties with generalized statistics about the Users of the Site for the purposes of statistical analysis, improving the efficiency of the Site.

11. Procedure for destruction of personal data

11.1 If the purpose of personal data processing is achieved and the agreed period of personal data storage expires, the Administration is obliged to stop processing of personal data and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of achievement of the purpose of personal data processing.
11.2 In case the subject of personal data withdraws his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data, the Administration is obliged to cease processing of personal data and, if the preservation of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of personal data processing, destroy the personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the said withdrawal.
11.3 The selection of personal data or their carriers for destruction is carried out by the decision of the head.
11.4 The destruction of material carriers of personal data is performed by shredding, burning or mechanical destruction, with the drawing up of an act.
11.5 The destruction of machine data carriers may be carried out with the use of destruction devices certified according to information security requirements.
11.6 Destruction of material and machine carriers of personal data prior to approval of the act of destruction is prohibited.

12. modification of the Privacy Policy

12.1 The Administration reserves the right at any time to make changes to any of the clauses of the Privacy Policy, without allowing the inclusion in the Policy of provisions that contradict the current legislation. The new edition of the Policy comes into force from the moment of its posting, unless otherwise provided by the edition of the Policy.
12.2 Users are obliged to regularly monitor changes in this Privacy Policy for possible changes.

13. Administration requisites

IP Kostyshin Daniil Andreevich
TIN 780539115033
OGRNIP 323784700328669
Phone: +79817955595
E-mail address: daniilkost15@gmail.com
р/с 40802810326600000925
in the Bank Central Branch of VTB Bank (PJSC)
BIK 044525411
k/s 30101810145250000411